Application properties files

To successfully manage a workflow, Roddy needs to know about several things:

  • The Batch system you’re running on.
  • The user credentials for e.g. SSH and connection settings.
  • The directories for configuration files and plugins.
  • And, if you want, some debug settings.

Let’s have a brief look at it:

useRoddyVersion=develop                     # Use the most development version for tests


commandLogTruncate=80                       # Truncate logged commands to this length. If <= 0, then no truncation.

#executionServiceKeyfileLocation=[keyfile path]   # use $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa by default

The file is divided into several sections, but this is mainly to keep a better order, you can have the file setup like you want it. Briefly explained, the

  • COMMON is for setting up general things
  • COMMANDLINE is to set up the command line interface

We try to keep every possible option in the ini file, so you should basically be able to just select what you need and to fill in the missing parts.

Usually, you just need to change the following settings:

  • jobManagerClass - Selects the cluster system backend
  • CLI.executionServiceClass - Selects, if you want to access your system via SSH or directly
  • CLI.executionServiceAuth - keyfile or password?
  • CLI.executionServiceHost - The host, if you select SSH
  • CLI.executionServicePasswd - The password for your system, if using SSH and no keyfiles
  • CLI.executionServiceStorePassword - If you want to store the password, put in true, however, the password is stored in plain-text!

By default the environment local to the submission host, on which the job submission commands like qsub or bsub are executed – i.e. not necessarily the system on which Roddy is executed (!), is not passed to the execution hosts, to ensure a defined environment for maximum reproducibility. If you want to pass the local environment, you can set passEnvironment to true. The baseEnvironmentScript variable can be used to ensure that e.g. /etc/profile is sourced, because this may not be per se the case, depending on whether your scheduling system uses interactive or login shells to execute job. Alternatively, you may source such base environments in your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc.

You might remember or store away the above options for future usage as its likely, that they won’t change too often. For you the more important settings might be:

  • configurationDirectories - Put in a comma separated list of directories, where you keep your project XML files
  • pluginDirectories - Put in a comma separated list of the directories, where your plugins are stored. Note, that the folder dist/plugins in the Roddy base directory, which contains the PluginBase and DefaultPlugin, will always be imported. You do not need to set this one.

You can either copy the content from above or you can also use Roddy to help you with the setup. This will be explained later on.